WORDS OF WISDOM: “When you interview the very top salespeople and ask them what their biggest challenge is, invariably they will tell you it is MINDSET – keeping it strong, focused, and positive amid the many challenges they encounter every day on their way to the top and staying there. The vast majority say this is their top issue-not leads, but MINDSET.”

What we offer your company and do differently at Sales Fundamentals.

  1. Sales intensive 1/1 for group of 4 salespeople day 1 and day 3. Day 2 is full group of sales team one day of training, including role-playing.  Then 3 months for the 4 salespeople of follow up coaching.
  2. One day of sales training consisting of Prospecting, Profiling, Presenting, Closing & Servicing. Why 75% of salespeople are Level 1-2 versus the 25% that are Level 3-4.
  3. One day for sales managers for more meaningful 1/1’s. Learn how to coach for better 4 legged sales calls.
  4. Assist in developing the new habit/mindset of Level 4 Prospecting 90 minutes for 90 days. Starting the very next day.
  5. You will be armed with Level 4 Profiling that will give you the BEST discovery meeting for guaranteeing client ‘campaign’ results and maximizing larger & longer presentation asks. Starting the very next day.
  6. Your Level 4 Prospecting & Profiling done will now give you the confidence of a pro with a repeatable yet easy to customize template for a Level 4 Presentation. Starting the very next day.
  7. You will now be like the golden arches and know what it takes to ‘biggiesize’ your order.
  8. You will be motivated to be the very best you can be! The difference you will have a Proven Pathway Plus a coach to help get you there. Starting the very next day.
  9. You will sell more features, be able to charge for promotions and do meaningful Super Creatives and solidify Level 4 client relationships that the competition can’t touch.
  10. You will master work/life balance because you will be in control of your outcome, your client’s success, your success and happiness.

SALES FUNDAMENTALS shows your team how to be the best at Prospecting, Profiling, Presentations, Closing & Servicing.

Your tools for measurable success!

Proven Sales Pathways Generating
Immediate Measurable Results

How Do We Improve Your Team?

  • We train and educate on the 4 levels of KPI’s to measure performance outcomes.
  • We train and educate on 5 different KEY activities of Prospecting, Profiling, Presenting, Closing, & Servicing.
  • We guide and coach your salespeople to utilize their new skills in the field.
  • The following is an example of a Level 1-2 salesperson followed by what a Level 3-4 salesperson does.

Radio Sales Person in a Level 1-2 World

Radio Sales Person in a Level 3-4 World

Trained Today and Coached for Tomorrow and ready for the next Twelve Months

  • Salespeople will THRIVE and are given key takeaways they can use immediately.
  • Salespeople will THRIVE with ongoing coaching to reinforce learning and proven strategies.
  • The sales manager will be able to have more MEANINGFUL 1/1’s with KPIs that can be implemented.

Let Sales Fundamentals move your team to a Level 3-4 world and start increasing revenue as early as next month!

Let’s Get Started!