Here is what taking your Level 1-2 sellers and making Level 3-4 superstars consists of.
The 10 Modules of the Proven Pathway to Level 4 Selling.
- Your sales DNA in comparison to the 4 levels.
- The power of habits, mindset, and discipline to get there and stay there.
- 90 minutes for 90 days. (you prospect and it isn’t dialing for dollars)
- VBR’s that answer WIIFM. (you profile, with ideas and CNA clarity)
- Level 4 Presentations. (you present like a pro with longer and larger asks)
- Closing Time. (here’s your opportunity to Biggie size like McDonalds)
- Servicing a client. (Level 1-2 mistakes that Level 3-4 superstars don’t make anymore)
- Time for an inspection. Are you a challenger salesperson, crushing budget and living in a Level 3-4 world of success yet?
- Preparing for game day? The 3 P’s. Your passion, your presentation, your term paper.
- Graduation day!