Working with incredible people.
The above quote has been credited to many people, I personally give it to the great business guru, Peter Drucker. Your team has to deliver measurable results and so do we. At Sales Fundamentals we start with a great team who has a good track record and build from there. We have a great team ready to share their knowledge, insights, and experience with your team. We give you skills you can use and measure right away. A team that can give your clients memorable impactful creative. Next year radio is 100 years old, it does today, as it has for years deliver results, measurable results. Let us get your team ready. Thank you,
John Perras
Sales Fundamentals Has 5 Partners To Help Your Business Grow.
“Smart leaders surround themselves with smarter people. The smartest and best leaders I know are surrounded by people smarter than themselves. This doesn’t happen by accident. It happens because of the leader’s self-awareness in her strengths and weaknesses. It happens because he’s confident enough to say ‘I don’t know,’ ‘I’m not good at this,’ or ‘Someone else is better at this particular thing than I am.’ Cory Nettles
As we move into 2023 we know the business landscape has changed and businesses have to change with it if they are going to survive and grow. That is why I have added people I know, trust, have used their services, and believe can move the needle in your business. Dave Charles runs Media RESULTSs Inc and has been making radio stations sound great for years. Stan Davidson runs Magnet Media and has a texting platform that advertising clients (and radio stations) can make sales from plus gather both valuable data and a data base. (There is a difference) Jim Schneider’s Sales Media Blitzes provides a backend that shows you where all your potential customers are at any given time. Fantastic results are guaranteed. Andy Miller of Big Swift Kick has a recruitment assessment company that finds the best salespeople and sales managers in North America. No more guessing, no more bad hires. Larry Trenwith coaches Presidents and CEOs on how to scale revenue from 3 million to 100 million and beyond. I love having smarter guys than me in the room to learn from.
Now about my own training/coaching program. For the past two years, I was the corporate sales trainer for Stingray Media across Canada. It was THE toughest time for salespeople ever! We got some great lasting results. The testimonials speak for themselves but let me add this. I am not years removed from being on the street, I know salespeople need every bit of support and training, and empathy from a coach with a proven pathway to great results. That person is me and together with the people above we will roll up our sleeves and get you long-lasting meaningful results. Let’s schedule a Teams/Zoom call today and see if there is a partnership opportunity to grow your business. Stay positive, stay safe,
Our Partners Index
- Sales Fundamentals Inc.
- Media RESULTS Inc.
- Magnet Mobile.
- Media Sales Blitzes.
- Big Swift Kick.
- Larry Trenwith – Strategic Advisor & Executive Coach.